Our Lady Chapel holds an important place in the worshipping life of our parish (and has done for many years). It is common to see people come into St Philip’s during the day to spend some time in quiet prayer and they naturally gravitate to the Lady Chapel.
There are prayer resources on the credence table and a prayer tree there where people may write their prayers and hang them on the branches. From time to time, these prayers will be collected and blessed in the Offertory on a Sunday morning.
To allow the prayer space to be accessible the Church will be left open during the day from 9am to (at least) 3pm.
Please feel free to come and sit, be still, and pray in the Lady Chapel when circumstances and God calls you to do so.
Monday Prayer Group
If you would like to pray with a group of others then join us at 7.30pm on the first and third Monday of the month, as we pray for our ministry. the community and the world.