Anglican Church of St Heliers Bay and Glendowie
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Giving at St Philips

It’s one of the facts of life – we live in a money culture; we need money for our everyday sustenance and growth.

The church is no exception! As a parish we need money to fund and develop a variety of ministries (locally in our own parish, in our Diocese, and internationally), support our Vicar, and resource worship and growth. We also have a responsibility to maintain and develop our buildings, both for ourselves and for the next generation of believers.

St Philip’s is dependent on the support of you, our congregation. Our income consists mainly of money given by you. So thank you.

Our Money is spent on:

  • Children and Youth Ministry
  • Courses to equip our congregation and community
  • Supporting our Outreach partners
  • Enhancing Worship
  • Building upkeep
  • Administration
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How can I give

Automatic Payment

You can set up an automatic transfer of money from your bank account to ours every week/month/quarter. This is our preferred option as it enables us to forecast our income and plan expenditure wisely. You just need to fill out the automatic payment authority form and post it to your bank, or complete the authority on line if you use internet banking.

Link to Automatic Payment form

Envelope Giving

If your giving varies each week, this would be the best option for you. Upon request you are allocated a giving number. You can then give anonymously in the collection simply by placing your donation in an envelope marked with your number.

One-off Donation

You can complete a one-off credit card donation using online donation form above. Alternatively, if you would prefer to use internet banking ,please quote your name and include the word ‘donation’ when asked what you would like to appear on our bank statement, and make your donation using the following details:

  • Please pay to: ANZ Bank
  • For the credit of: The Parish of St Heliers of the Diocese of Auckland
  • Account Number: 01 0262 0010639 000

Tax Receipts

Any of the above methods of giving can receive a tax receipt.

Under current tax rules the Government refunds $1 for every $3 you give. This amount will be cumulative if you designate to the IRD that the refund is to be paid directly to the church.

If you have any questions about giving then please contact the Parish office on 09 575 5528 or